Monday, February 18, 2013

Salmon Fishing at The Good Hope Cannery

An unbelievable but true fish story

                      This story is from the Good Hope Cannery website, though not exactly a typical few days it shows the opportunity for salmon fishing River Inlet. I would suggest if you are serious about salmon fishing, staying at the best lodge around and having the best guides in the business, book your trip now.



Dear Good Hope Team
Thank you for a trip of a lifetime! My brother Mike and I have been trying for many years to organize a salmon fishing trip on the west coast. To my amazement, both of us were available this year at the same time.
Now, I know you can control most things at Good Hope and I would have never imagined to what extent! We arranged our travel schedules to meet up at the Casino in Vancouver the night before our departure. It was an enjoyable evening where we kindled our relationship with a fantastic dinner followed by drinks and cigars at their outdoor fire pit. The next morning went like clockwork and we 
We were so delighted to see each other again in Vancouver prior to the trip and enjoyed the flight into the lodge. What a place! The staff was so friendly and the cannery itself was amazing. I have fished at many lodges on the west coast over the years however the Cannery was well above my expectations.
We’ve both heard about Good Hope and Rivers Inlet from our friends and it lived up to every bit of the reputation.
Mike and I drew Dwayne as our guide and besides our fishing experience he was a fantastic ambassador and host. In addition, he had a sense of humor which is needed when you spend numerous hours with my brother and me.
The first morning out was flat calm and we were into fish right away. After a couple of missed opportunities, I had one on and what a fight! Instantly, I knew we were into a fish of a lifetime.  After what seemed like a one-hour fight, and fearing each time the salmon took another run it would spit the hook, I was delighted to see one of the largest salmon ever – in the net!  Wow – we were so excited. To think of all these years of fishing to have caught my largest salmon ever with my brother!
During this first day, other fish came and went and what a day to spend together! My trophy ended up weighing in at 58 pounds!
Mike handled all the evenings fanfare and my bragging like a gentlemen and not once questioned how quickly I was at the rod when it bit.  I was clearly in the right spot at the right time.
That evening, I recall Mike and Dwayne strategizing for the next day. Mike suggested he would indeed catch a big fish and when asked how big – his response was what I expected. “Doesn’t matter – doesn’t have to be huge – just one pound larger than Bernie’s to get that smirk off his face!”
And wouldn’t you know it…
The very next day we’re out on the water first thing. Again we were right into the action with a smaller fish and the rod buckled down. Dwayne was quick to get Mike on it and what a fight! The fish circled the boat several times, jumped and just as we thought it would have spat the hooks for sure it was in the net! The rest of the morning was nearly as exciting and we hooked several more fish – all in the “Tyee” class for Rivers Inlet.
And, back at the dock - any guilt I may have had in beating Mike to the rod on the first morning became a distant memory. His fish beat mine at 60 pounds! Best of all it was Mike’s first tyee. What a way to break his personal best!
Oh, that smirk……
To everyone at Good Hope – This trip was a defining moment for Mike and I. All other trips will be measured by this experience!
Thank You and we look forward to seeing you again. You have a great team up there. We have a photo of Mike and me giving a kiss to Dwayne on the cheeks – not how I envisioned my first kiss with a local! Don’t tell my wife!
Cheers to the next visit!
Bernie Owens


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