Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Salmon Fishing BC, a photo essay

Salmon Fishing BC

The following are some of the pictures that Good Hope let me use and some pictures of my family and friends while fishing Rivers Inlet in BC. Many of the salmon we catch are released, especially the large ones. 
A Canadian TV show host catches a lunker during a taping.

 Great family fishing at Good Hope
 A great picture of Good Hope Cannery
3rd largest ever, record for 30lb test.
Rick Hansen fishing in BC
A morning's catch
The lodge after a hard day of fishing
Tyler does it again
 Big Salmon at "The Head"
Big salmon, thanks again Luke!
We estimated this fish at 63lbs.
A nice keeper salmon
The girls after a morning at "The Head"
Are we sure this is northern British Columbia?

Another BC Monster Salmon

Looking forward to August and a return trip to Rivers Inlet, British Columbia to go after the giant salmon that exist in the waters there. 
(Images are courtesy of The Good Hope Cannery and Friends)

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