Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Salmon Fishing Lodge Part II

Salmon Fishing Lodge Part II

The Lodge Itself

                                     This is part two of my series on salmon fishing based on my experience fishing the Rivers Inlet area of British Columbia, Canada. While there are several lodges that are in the area I personally have only stayed at one but I am familiar with several of them.

                                      When considering a lodge or resort for your pursuit of trophy salmon a lot of factors come into play. Of course the big one is cost of the trip, some lodges offer budget trips with the bare minimum services while others are all inclusive. Let's look at what is important and why.

Food - Quality and Quantity

                 The fact that Rivers Inlet is very remote makes it tough and expensive to fly in food or to have it shipped up by boat. Beware of pay as you go or other food services that are add-ons. Everything is very expensive. That being said, food is important. Being out in the elements all day fighting salmon is very draining and constant nourishment is a must. Check to make sure that a wide variety of food will be available and that snacks and warm lunches are available when you are on the boat.

                              For many the experience of the lodge is as important as the fishing, I feel this way. When I go to a lodge I want to feel that I am truly some place special. The lodge needs to have a theme that reflects the area and the game you are after. A place you would go to even if there weren't any fish and still have a good time. The Rivers Inlet area has a long history and learning about it increases the enjoyment of the trip.

                           Comfort seems like it should be standard and not something you should have to think about. However, when traveling to such remote areas things aren't always comfortable. Things like comfortable beds, hot showers, comfortable places to gather and discuss the day are sometimes missing. 

Safety and Emergency Plans
  Every year in the Rivers Inlet area during the salmon season there are accidents, injuries, health emergencies and other things that require urgent assistance from trained professionals. The last thing you need when you are injured or seriously sick is a 5 hour boat ride to get any help. Check to make sure your lodge has staff trained in the most advance first aid and that each boat has a full first aid and survival kit. Does the lodge have a first aid/trauma room with easy communication to emergency personnel? Does your lodge have a helicopter landing pad suitable for an medical helicopter? 

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